Highlight: Squatchy's Delight

Hello Friends!

We are gathering info on a community benefit teatime CSA

If you could, please give some input (and be entered to win a free month!)

Dry it You'll Like It 

As the intensity of summer comes on by day, but feels chill at night, I see ripening fruit as preparation for winters vacuum. There is such a great abundance of fresh produce pouring from the land now, it’s almost overwhelming to try and keep it from spoiling before the rains and frosts come! My solution for preservation is to craft whole-food teas, fruit leathers and veggie chips, with a little herb and spice perhaps. 

With drying, fresh- her, fruit and vegetable flavors get condensed (nutrient dense!), then storing/traveling with good nourishment is simple! Herbs dry great as small bunches hung in a dark drafty place, and favorite produce preservation method is to clean then lightly heat and puree the produce, or layer in thin slices. Sometimes adding a sprinkle of salt, cinnamon verum, cardamom or cayenne, or a light coating of liquid amino acids really makes it sparkle!  Its really fun to experiment with fruit and veggie combos or to add in sprouted quinoa!

Goodness Tea’s AdventureON Trail-Snack specials you can find this season are: Strawberry-Rhubarb Leather, SourPatch Golden Plumb bites, TurnipZuke Chips, the Quinoa Crunchy, and Amazeballs. Get some at goodnesstea.com/find

Goodness Tea in support of Local Production 

Though I try to source locally, limitations in resource stability prevents me from doing so all year. The herbs like nettle, chamomile, rose-hips and peppermint I use must be sourced from USDA approved streams, and sadly, some of what I blend with ends up coming from Croatia, Hungary or Egypt to be certified organic! Supporting Goodness Tea’s CSA gives us the ability to begin commissioning these crops from nearby organic farms and improving our own processing equipment such that this region can become a steady source of these prolific growers. Look at the benefits of our Squatchy’s Delight blend, all these grow like wild in the northwest!!   Are you a consumer or producer that wants to shape what this looks like? Please fill out our Goodness CSA Survey to help us best support local agriculture!!!  

Goodness Tea CSA- Community Supported Agriculture

THE VISION: To Provide wholesome refreshments to the people more conveniently and affordably while supporting a resilient local food (and beverage!) system. 

The CSA (Community Supported Agriculture): This model streamlines production while increasing our farms capacity to preserve the areas produce and grow our own.  We want to source at least 75% of what we use from here. Please help!

Enter to WIN A FREE MONTH of Goodness Tea CSA with this survey!

A Good Gathering!

The Northwest Permaculture Convergence  is just a little over a month away! I am so happy for the work I get to do with this group. If you are into building sustainable community and having a good time, consider joining us September 27-29 at Lost Valley Education Center near Eugene, OR! Early Bird extended until August 30, just $150 for a fine weekend of presentations and a vibrant skill-share village including a contra-dance, camping and meals!

Thanks so much,  I hope to hear from you,  


---> Remember to Drink Deeply, Breathe and Enjoy! <----

As a child, people called me Squatchy because of my wild tree climbing big-footed ways. I like to laugh that if little Squatchy-Shae met Wild PNW Sasquatch Man, we could pick these three nature bits in the wilderness, build a fire, boil water, brew …

As a child, people called me Squatchy because of my wild tree climbing big-footed ways. I like to laugh that if little Squatchy-Shae met Wild PNW Sasquatch Man, we could pick these three nature bits in the wilderness, build a fire, boil water, brew a cup, and be friends. I love how tea brings us together!


After-School Fine Art Classes


Tea of the Month: Lemon Lavender