Goodness Tea House Office Share!

Hello friends!

The past year has taught us so much about what our business and the community needs, so we have tailored our spaces to fit. Goodness Tea House is optimized for collaborative work, serving drinks, and as a final pack and ship hub for our business. Nearby, the processing facility at Grow Good Farm is where the bulk of our blending, drying and creating will now take place.

Shifting production back to the farm gives us the room at the teahouse to share our incredible space with you now! We are so blessed by the gatherings our little office has held over the past few seasons. Through intentionally sharing the space with more people on a regular basis, we hope to pass the stoke, encouragement and connections on.

Our office-share means special access and perks for those who sign up at the monthly rate, with evening rentals available as well. Workspace by day, and meet-up zone early evening and on though the night.

Flyer Outline (2).jpg

Space is limited for the office share, so don’t take too much time in contacting us or you might have to get on the wait list ;p

Sign up now!

—-> Note : Out of area residents who want "in" can signup/order now, and will receive a box on the 1st and 3rd week of the month with organic tea, locally roasted organic fair-trade coffee, plus more handcrafted goodness as seasonal treats to fuel any offices productivity for goodness sake! <—- How Rad!

Order here, or by contacting us through email, phone, Facebook, or coming in to Goodness Tea House! Shaelee, V and Lily are at the helm there throughout the week, happy to answer questions and share some tea.

Need to talk to (me) Shaelee directly? Call 360-670-1041, and thanks for caring!

Please share this post with anyone you feel may be interested (and if you know any non-locals who might be interested in supporting our cause, show them the option for a remote office share to fuel their workspace! $75/month provides a month of tea, local coffee and snacks delivered anywhere in the USA, international shipping available too, but product quantity is adjusted to make up for the extra shipping cost!)


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Peninsula Greetings