Iced drinks, are hot! at the PA market

Hello friends, we will also be at the Wednesday afternoon summer market in Port Angeles.


We have an ice machine! Summer is here and iced drinks are where its at!

This week we have a PomegranateCreamSlush, Icy Pink lemonade slushines (pomegranate juice, organic lemon juice and organic honey, yum!), iced tea and GoodnessHorchata (made with almonds, rice, cinnamon and honey).  As we get settled into our new facility we will also be offering our drinks bottled and ready to go!

If coffee is your thang, come and enjoy an iced cold-brew coffee paired with organic 1/2 and 1/2 or our horchata. Have you experienced the low-acid delight of strong and smooth cold brew?  We blend together the medium-roasted Mexican Feminino from Grounds for Change with their dark Peruvian Feminino for a complex and delightful coffee experience.  As always, we can add cardamon, cayenne, cacao and cinnamon to your coffee to spice it up and make it fun. 

With a hot aeropress or pour-over, why not add tad of organic maple syrup- and a splash of cacao, have you tried a minimal mocha? Pretty raw, powerful, visceral even? Can a coffee drink be that? Come tell us what you want and we'll give it a go!


Here's to honesty


Now serving breakfast and lunch